• Promoting excellence in public participation in Southern Africa
  • Join our
    international community

    Improve your professional practices
    while making waves of change
  • Our mission is to advance and extend
    the practice of public participation

    Join us in creating an international movement

A warm welcome to all our IAP2 Southern Africa members, friends of IAP2, and other interested stakeholders and groups across the African continent. It is indeed a privilege to be part of this growing family of IAP2 and to have the opportunity to engage with you on this platform.

IAP2SA is committed to a year of more interactive engagements aimed at sharing valuable and relevant information. Our objective is to enhance the daily activities and the profession of public participation practitioners, the image of IAP2SA and more so; to ensure that you are kept up-to-date on informative information within the public participation/stakeholder engagement field.

We hope to achieve our objective through the use of various social mediums including, but not limited to, face-to-face training and webinar sessions, LinkedIn and Facebook updates, our Annual General Meeting, and other events that we will be hosting during the year.

We cannot achieve this alone and encourage you to join us on this exciting journey.

About us
IAP2 Southern Africa (IAP2 SA) is the regional affiliate of the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2)
Meet the IAP2 SA Board
IAP2 SA relies on the passion and leadership of a board of volunteer directors elected annually by members.
Membership information
If you are involved in public participation in Southern Africa, then IAP2 SA is for you!
Training courses
IAP2SA offers several internationally recognised training programmes, presented by our accredited trainers.


Click here and join our growing international community today!