IAP2 has a wealth of resources available to assist organisations, decision-makers, policymakers, and practitioners to improve the quality of public participation work. The following resources are protected by copyright by the International Association for Public Participation and may be used for information purposes.
We welcome your request to apply these tools.
To use, copy or reproduce these important documents, written permission must be obtained from the IAP2 Federation Executive Manager at operations@iap2.org. For more information, please see Guidelines for Use of IAP2 Copyright Protected Materials.
P2 Pillars
As an international leader in public participation, IAP2 has developed three pillars for effective public participation and engagement (P2/engagement) processes. Developed with broad international input, these pillars cross national, cultural, and religious boundaries and form the foundation of P2 processes that reflect the interests and concerns of all stakeholders. These include the IAP2 Core Values, Code of Ethics, and Spectrum of Public Participation.